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tv   This Week With George Stephanopoulos  ABC  September 25, 2016 8:00am-9:00am MST

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starting right now on "this week" with george stephanopoulos, one day away. >> i am so looking forward to debating donald trump. i can't wait. >> well, they say she's been practicing for the debate. some people think she's slick. >> hillary clinton and donald trump toe to toe in the debate stage for the first time. >> donald trump is unfit. >> she's a dangerous liar. >> our brand new poll showing the candidates in a virtual tie ahead of the high-stakes showdown. can clinton win undecided voters and put the questions of trust in the rear-view mirror? >> let's make sure love trumps hate. >> can trump make the sale and prove he's qualified for the job?
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>> this morning we talk to both sides campaign managers here live. just one day before the blockbuster face-off, full insights, analysis and more. only on "this week." from abc news, it's "this week." here now chief anchor george stephanopoulos. good morning. it's been compared to the super bowl. even man's landing on the moon. toss away the hyperbole. you still have an extraordinary event, the most watched political showdown in american history. tomorrow night, hillary clinton and donald trump. take a look inside the debate hall. the candidates take the stage 36 hours from now. 100 million americans expected to tune in. social media will be crackling with commentary for millions more. we have everything you need to get ready. both campaign managers. expert insight from our round table and gary johnson who could
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that's tightened up in the last month. our new poll has hillary clinton holding at 46%. donald trump climbing to 44%. his best number since the spring. the battle lines are drawn. trump has a massive 59% advantage among white men who haven't graduated from college. clinton counters a huge boost from white women who have graduated from college leading trump by 25% overall, men are with trump by 19 points and women with clinton by 19 points. biggest generation gap. 87% of republicans are with trump. 84% of democrats behind clinton. the big question, who will impress the voters still making up their minds? >> i am not a single issue candidate. >> hillary clinton is the most experienced debater in modern history. 34 presidential primary debates under her belt. >> you are the single biggest liar. you probably are worse than jeb bush. >> donald trump is hardly a rookie. he's done 11. took out 16 rivals.
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quiet. out of times. >> this debate is one on one. 90 minutes before a tv audience that doesn't like either candidate. >> we have a debate very shortly right? >> trump's biggest challenge close the gap on clinton on world affairs, qualifications and temperament. >> i'll be respectful of her. she deserves that. i'm going to be nice. you never know exactly how it's going to turn out. we'll have a lot of people watching. >> clinton's campa trump will win showing up. sounding reasonable. voters' expectations may be working against her. 47% think she'll win to only 33% to trump. we are joined by hillary clinton's campaign manager. robby, thanks for coming in. the expectations may be working against you. most voters think you're going to win tomorrow night. your biggest worry? >> first of all, what needs to happen at this debate is the candidates need to present their
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we think hillary clinton is going to do that. what we're concerned about is that there might be some sort of double standard here. donald trump can't lie on that debate stage and win or even get a passing grade. donald trump cannot demonstrate that he doesn't have a command of the issues and get a passing grade. so all that we're asking is that donald trump show he's ready to be president of the united states. >> you guys have been pushing that hard, this idea of a double standard and saying it's up to the moderator to point out falsehoods. but they have been clear they think it's the job of the moderator to get out of the way and ask questions. >> all we're asking is if donald trump lies, it's pointed out. it's unfair to ask for hillary to play traffic cop for trump. make sure his lies are corrected and present her vision. for what she wants to do for the american people. >> isn't that what a debater is supposed to do? >> i think donald trump is special. we haven't seen anything like
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with two candidates who have a depth of experience, rolled out clear concrete plans. and who don't lie. frankly as donald trump does. we're seeing this as a special circumstance and debate and hillary should be given time to talk about what she wants to do. to make a difference in people's lives. she shouldn't have to spend the debate correcting the record. >> you want to talk mostly about hillary clinton and her plans. how do you get over the huge hurdle? the overwhelming number of americans >> first of all, i'm glad you asked this question because it's been out there a lot. hillary has recognized she has a lot of work to do to earn people's trust. as we were discussing, we think this debate is a fantastic opportunity for her to present not just what she is going to do to make a difference in people's lives but she has a long history of getting this done. people can absolutely trust her to make a difference in their lives. they can't trust donald trump to do the same thing. >> what's the number one point you want to make tomorrow night
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>> well, look, like i said, this is the time for the voters to pick a president. we'll have people tuning into this election for the first time. they're going to see the two candidates on stage. i think they're going to see donald trump is unfit, unprepared and over his head. i doubt he will have a command of the issues. i certainly -- >> you think he'll take care of the debate by himself? is that what you're expecting? >> hillary will have to press the point, challenge him to reveal what his plans are, for example, he has not revealed any he says it's a secret and that he knows more about it than the generals do. this is a time for him to present those plans. maybe he will. but we'll have to see. >> in a little bit of psychological welfare. you invited mark cuban to the debate. donald trump said if dopey mark cuban wants to sit on the front row, perhaps i'll be gennifer
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gennifer flowers has tweeted the new york times saying she's going to be there. >> you know, this debate is supposed to be about issues and how these candidates are going to make a difference in their lives, a time to reveal their plans. if this is what donald trump wants this debate to be about, that's up to him. he is a reality tv star. very experienced at providing television entertainment. the presidency is not about entertainment. it's about serious decisions. >> so you don't care if gennifer flowers is there? >> that's donald trump's decision. j an opportunity to explain. >> this show as dead heat, 46, to 44. hillary clinton was quoted this week addressing the polling numbers and the long case she's made against donald trump. here's what she said. >> now having said all this, why aren't i 50 points ahead you might ask. well, the choice for working families has never been clearer. i need your help to get donald trump's record out to everybody.
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question? maybe not 50 points ahead. this is such a close race against a candidate you said is the most unqualified in american history. >> these contests are always very close. in fact, we put out a memo in early august saying this was going to tighten up in your own poll you didn't actually show hillary losing any support, it was donald trump consolidating some of his base. i think we can win this election by a wide margin. hillary pointed out we're going to have to work hard to get the message out. there. the other thing in your poll that will come home to roost is that 60% of voters didn't think donald trump is fit to be commander in chief. they think hillary is going to be better fighting for the middle class. she'll be better at dealing with a crisis. that's where we welcome this debate. an opportunity for hillary's qualifications to shine. >> at the same time, he's getting more republicans vote
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than hillary clinton is getting democrats who voted for barack obama. why? >> it depends. obviously shifts happening demographically. hillary is getting more republican women than ever before. winning them by double digits. president obama lost college educated women. so there's a lot of shifts going on. but we feel very confident that we have the coalition in place to win. there's a lot of undecided voters. in many ways, we're just starting. this race is just beginning. >> the candidate ico gary johnson, is he taking votes from hillary clinton right now? >> he's taking votes from both candidates but your own poll showed his numbers are dropping. i don't think that either the third party candidates are going to factor in the head to head for this race. this is fundamentally a race between hillary clinton and donald trump. and i think you'll see that movement as we get closer to election day and certainly after this debate when i think voters will see a tremendous difference
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think they're going to be very concerned about the threat of donald trump actually getting into the oval office and voters understand if they put their vote to one of the third party candidates it could at some point make it easier for donald trump and i don't think anybody voting for any of these other candidates wants that to happen. >> what's a win tomorrow night? >> i think a win is hillary having the opportunity to speak directly to the voters about the big difference she can make in their lives, how she's going to create job health care under control, help families of four in college. we saw at the convention when she had an opportunity to speak directly to the voters, talk about her history, how this campaign is a mission to help kids and families, she's going to do very well. >> thanks very much. >> thanks. >> we are joined by donald trump's campaign manager. kellyanne conway. welcome back to "this week." you heard robby define a victory. what's a victory for donald
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showing america that he's ready to be president and commander in chief on day one. i notice from the washington post abc poll george just released the number one and two issues to americans are economy and terrorism and donald trump is leading hillary clinton on who you trust more on both issues. we certainly hope this debate tomorrow night will be about substantive issues. i have to push back a little bit on my colleague robby there, donald trump is out there every day talking about issues. he was in five or six swing states just this week and every time it was a policy speech. tomorrow will be nothing new for him. it's hillary clinton and her super pacs that have run a quarter of a billion dollars of negative ads about donald trump and she refuses to spend time talking about issues. >> he talked about the double standard. he's afraid donald trump will be able to get away with lying. that's what he said. your response? >> i think they are really afraid hillary clinton is not a very good candidate. a majority of americans don't much like her and according to
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donald trump is actually leading hillary clinton on the attribute of who is more honest and trustworthy in your poll that came out this morning. i think they're worried about many things. hillary clinton should have been in the much better position. she's not known for her abundance of self awareness or being nimble or resilient. they never saw barack obama in 2008 or took bernie sanders seriously. earlier this year he won 22 states and millions of vote everies and they certainly never antip >> on the issue of honesty, the independent factor looked at 250 statements of each candidate. they have 48 pants on fire. the worst kind of lie they said. comments by donald trump, only 6 for clinton. 89 false statements by donald trump and only 27 for clinton. >> if you're running against a clinton, veracity is always on the table. this is a woman whose five people were involved with her
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she's not very fond of the 2nd amendment but she seems very fond of the 5th amendment including her attorney who was granted immunity and able to represent her as an attorney. hillary clinton's casual relationship with the truth is well known to americans. i'm sure we'll see it on full display tomorrow night. i don't appreciate campaigns thinking it is the job of the media to go and be these virtual fact-checkers and these debate moderators should do their bidding. they picked on matt lauer. after the commander in chief debate we have thought he did a great job but they didn't like the fact hillary clinton was asked about her e-mail server. that's not matt lauer's fault. he'll do a good job tomorrow night. it's not his job -- >> it's not what your boss has said. donald trump said lester holt is under tremendous pressure when he's a democrat when in fact he's a registered republican. >> he's certainly going to be a good debate moderator in that i trust all these moderators for all the debates including the vp
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questions benefiting the voter. voters deserve and they indeed expect a good debate on the issues. this will be the first time americans will see donald trump and hillary clinton on the same stage and make their choice based on what they see and what is said. i can understand why the clinton camp is nervous because donald trump has got great present stature. he's a brilliant debater. newt gingrich said donald trump is the best debater he's ever seen. the babeut he shows up and swings and does a great job. he's a brilliant businessman who has a great record and we're very much looking forward to tomorrow night. >> we saw the tweet about gennifer flowers. she says she wants to be at the debate tomorrow night. why put out that tweet? >> no. the question is why does mark cuban has to say i'm going to be there for the takedown of donald trump? i mean i expect -- >> why did he send out that tweet? >> he wants to remind people
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they started this by saying they would give a front row seat to mark cuban who was very favorable towards donald trump. he had great criticisms of hillary clinton in her education plan and now all of a sudden for team clinton. this debate should not be about what billionaire could hillary clinton put in the front row but how do we defeat radical islamic terrorism. how do we stimulate the economy. 29% of americans say they're beer >> you want gennifer flowers there? >> she has a right to be there if somebody else gives her a ticket. but i do think also it shows the poor judgment, lack of nimbleness of the clinton campaign that they put a statement out last night about gennifer flowers being invited that it shows how easily provoked donald trump is no, you just put out a statement about people who had no idea who gennifer flowers is. that she's the woman who says
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your husband when he was governor. >> you talked about mr. trump being out on the stump this week. he said african-american communities are in the worst shape. president obama responded in an interview. >> i think most 8-year-olds will tell you that whole slavery thing wasn't very good for black people. jim crow wasn't very good for black people. >> so african-american communities really in the worst shape? >> it's too bad the president is so glib about these issues. but donald trump -- >> glib about race issues? >> no. no, george, he was very glib about referring to an 8-year-old. what donald trump is talking about in his speeches is rebuilding the inner cities, bringing more jobs there, is tackling full on poverty and joblessness and homelessness and crime. there are 3,000 people shot in chicago this year. 500 dead. and we're not going to have a serious conversation about crime in the inner cities?
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really applaud donald trump for having this conversation in and about the inner cities. he went to a black church in detroit several weeks ago. taking his case directly to the people. you don't see many republican candidates doing that running for president. i appreciate the fact that president obama has his perspective but i think donald trump should also be applauded for actually trying to make a difference in these communities. >> one of the issues the african-american community has had with donald trump is the birther issue. he's only been asked once since last week. do you expect it to come up tomorrow night? if it does, will mr. trump apologize to president obama? >> donald trump stated friday how he feels about this issue. he said three very crisp important things. those are his words. i expect he would say them again. i don't know if it will come up. that's up to lester holt. and i guess secretary clinton if they feel like raising that. this is an issue donald trump has dressed very recently. >> no apology?
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the people who raised this at the beginning should apologize. he wasn't running against hillary clinton in 2008. he wasn't running against obama in 2008. that was hillary clinton and according to -- >> hillary clinton and her campaign did not bring this up. >> really? the volunteer guy in iowa saying yeah it started with him. the former news chief in d.c. saying sid blumenthal asked him to investigate obama's ties and sent a reporter to kenya. donald trump was busy being a successful businessman that year. hillary clinton never saw obama coming. so i guess they resorted to desperate tactics. >> thank for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> up next, the man who doesn't make the stage gary johnson joins us live and the predebate insight and analysis from our experts. >> announcer: "this week" with george stephanopoulos brought to
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as we said, he won't be on the debate stage tomorrow night but libertarian gary johnson could determine who wins the white house. his 5% in our poll is greater that the two point difference between clinton and trump. in some critical battle grounds johnson doing even better, take a look. in virginia, 8%. colorado and iowa, 10% and wisconsin 11%. johnson is on the ballad in all 50 states. the first third party candidate to do so since 1956. the former new mexico governor could tip the balance in key states. we'll talk to johnson after the break. l talk to johnson after t break. i just took new mucinex clear and cool.
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do you think if you were able to get on the debate stage, that you could pull even with trump and clinton in these polls? >> i do. and it wouldn't have anything to do with my debate performance either. based on that. that's -- for the whole debate and not say anything -- >> there was gary johnson earlier this week. libertarian candidate for president nominee right there. thank you for joining us this morning. what was that about? >> well, the fact that 65% of americans don't even know who i am, so what do i need to do if i was in the presidential debates? i would just need to show up and a lot of people would become aware that i am actually a candidate. george, i just find it incredibly interesting that i'm polling higher than perot was
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the debates and i would like to point out to everybody, presidential debates commission made up of republicans and democrats that have no intention whatsoever of seeing anyone other than a democrat or republican on the stage. >> in our poll you're not polling higher than ross perot. you're 5%. in our poll ross perot was at 6% or higher. you said you couldn't win without a debate. that it's quote, game over if you don't get in the debates. why keep going? >> well, it still is an ongoing process to get to 15%. your poll is incredibly low and i recognize polls. hey, you know, you're at 15% in the polls one day but 5%, wow, this is out of the blue. if in fact, it is an accurate poll, then, you know, who is to say. but those numbers that you were quoting earlier, you know,
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among independents. i'm tied for lead among millennials. active military personnel. i am leading among active military personnel. so nobody is talking about balancing the federal budget. nobody is talking about the threat of a run-away government. nobody is talking about reforming medicaid or medicare. nobody is talking about really "black lives matter." individual liberty. freedom. is all about? and the military interventions. we do involve ourselves in regime change and as a result of that the world is not a more safe place. neither trump or clinton believe in free markets. i believe that would lead to more u.s. jobs, growing economy. >> you're hearing from clinton
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for a vote for you is a vote for trump. hearing it from bernie sanders and others and tim kaine had this to say drawing a comparison to 2000. >> against the ticket is the al gore/george w. bush race in 2000. the third party candidacy of ralph nader cost eleg tral votes and if gore had been president we probably wouldn't have had a war in iraq. >> what do you say to those who think you're electing donald trump? >> i say the people who are voting for me are voting for gary johnson. look, i take great pride in the fact that i am actually offering an alternative here. smaller government, personal freedom. balancing the federal budget, looking at medicaid and medicare. look, vote for gary johnson is a vote for gary johnson. 50% of people right now registering to vote are registering as independent. how is it that we only have two candidates that can represent
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you know, i don't buy it and i'm going to sleep well at the end of all this giving people a first vote, not a second vote, not a lesser of two evils but actually people that are going to be able to vote their conscience and vote for real change and that's how you're going to change things in this country. vote for the person that you believe in. that's how you bring about change. >> but if you quadruple your vote you're not going to get elected president. either trump or clinton will be the president. which one worries you the most? >> well, they both do. look, donald trump, immigration, i think we should be embracing immigration. we should not build a wall across the border. hillary's answer to everything is growing government. taxes are going to go up. neither one of them are talking about reforming the entitlements and neither one of them support free trade. that they're both claiming that they're against it but hillary,
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trump, going to force apple to make their ipads and iphones in the united states. trump, he wants to bring back water boarding, torture or worse. haven't we faught wars over not doing that kind of thing? we are the beacon on the hill. i don't think life in america has ever been better. we get along with each other better. we communicate better with one another. our kids are smarter than ever. we do have issues. issues, discrimination, black lives do matter. they're getting shot at the rate of six times that of whites. we have had our heads in the sand with regard to the discrimination that does exist and george, i'll tell you i've had my head in the sand on this issue but i think we're going to come to grips with this faster, better than ever before and back to the fact that we do communicate. the internet. amazing. there's going to be an onslaught
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that's going to try and restrict our abilities to compete equally with one another. the government is for sale. >> let me ask you one final question. you said you're for free markets, against government regulation. this week a comment you made in 2011, you said we have to think about climate change as a long term issue. here's what you said. >> i think that we should. and the long term view is that in billions of years the sun is going to actually grow and encompass the earth, right? so global warming is in our future. >> does that mean we don't do anything about it now? >> no, george, c'mon. can't we have humor once in a while. that is long term. at one point africa and south america separated and i am talking now about the earth and the fact that we have existed for billions of years.
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look, what it points to also is the fact that we have to inhabit other planets. the future of the human race is space exploration. no, we should be prudent with the environment. we care about the environment. look, clean air, clean water. i think the epa exists to protect us against individuals, groups, corporations that will do us harm. pollution is harm. >> governor johnson thanks for joining us. >> george, thank you very much for having me on. >> our powerhouse round table weighs in next. >> announcer: "this week" with george stephanopoulos brought to you by bp. george stephanopoulos brought to you by bp. t come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support.
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smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ? tum -tum -tum -tum ? smoothies! only from tums during this year's primary debates hillary clinton and donald trump were a study in contrast. she was usually buttoned down, hyper-prepared. he improvised. often mugged for the camera. tomorrow night they'll display differences on policy and past experience. presidential debates are defined by the messages the candidates don't intend to send. there was al gore's heavy sighing and eye rolls during his debate with george w. bush and that lurch into bush's personal space. at the town hall two weeks later. george h.w. bush checked his watch during his 1992 town hall with bill clinton and ross perot. then clinton sealed the deal when he got up close and personal to answer a question on the economy.
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richard nixon's sweat against a crisp and cool jfk. so will tomorrow night be scored on style or substance? should the moderator call out errors an lies? or leave that to the candidates and campaigns? the round table weighs in on what's at stake next. the round table weighs in on what's at stake next. alf days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately ect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out, knock it out, fast.
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is smirk a lot at his answers. >> a big smile on my face and then sing it with a smile on your face. >> everybody has got advice for the candidates tomorrow night. let's talk about it on our round table. joined by matthew dowd, maggie from the new york times. democratic strategist, jamal simmons, republican strategist and editor of the nation. i want to get to the advice. let's begin with the threshold question. we know people are going to watch tomorrow night. probably 100 million people and we know in the past generally debates have tended to reinforce where the race is going rather than make a big difference. is tomorrow night different? >> i think tomorrow night has the capacity to be different. but i think there are singular debates that have mattered and have adjusted the race. 2004 george w. bush did very badly. the race went to tie. same as in
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>> but it pounced back to where it was. >> this trades on such small margins, between zero and five or six points. any movement by two, three points, it's pretty much set for 85% of the country but that movement can make a difference. >> the margins matter this year? >> that's right. i think the debates, to your point, we remember the moments but they're not one on moments. obama won that first debate and the other two. the race went back to where it was. this is playing for a very small number of undecided voters who will be turning in. we know a ton about the candidates. the public knows a ton. the x factor, i think two, one is the first woman on a debate stage in a general election. i don't know how that's going to play for an audience that is still low information and just tuning in. trump has never done a one on one debate and that can't be understated. in the primary debates he was one of ten and he would recede into the background. >> that is the big difference
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90 minutes. one opponent. one moderator on the stage. >> he has also been on our tv's, on every screen for years. so has hillary clinton. these candidates are in our soup. they're everywhere. they're like two cups of water that are already full. the american people know these people. we have been with them a long time. which is why it's going to be very hard for anyone's opinion of them i think to change. it's hard to pour more water into that full cup. now, what could change, why we have debates anyway. we're just about policy or iq, we would give them the sat. put them against each other because we know a president is going to face something unexpected and at some point maybe the fate of the country will lie in that person's hands. are they strong enough, do they have the strength and character and stability is what we're looking for. >> there's a democratic purpose to debates, to inform the voters. call me crazy. i'm waiting for a big debate
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i was struck by something kellyanne conway said. it seems to me that the role of journalist is not to fact-check which is a vital role. is to say that journalists are stenographers. not those who hold the powerful accountable. whoever they may be. i think we're at a very dangerous place in our country where journalism is a rewrite the rules election. we have talked about media malpractice. there's been good journalism in the last months but it is vital that the moderator hold the candidates accountable, particularly donald trump if it's not left right. it is not about liberalism. it's about journalism. >> let me ask the question why isn't that the job of the candidate on the stage, hillary clinton's? >> it is. of course people are tuning into this. this is cats versus dogs, lions, versus tigers. boxers versus wrestlers.
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spectacle. the job of hillary clinton will be tough if donald trump has done what he's done the last few weeks, the i'm not crazy tour. i'm somebody you can trust to do this. if he is calm and relax and does this job for 90 minutes people will say maybe he's not crazy. her job will show people that she can be transparent. i would love for her to say something like, i've been in the most elite rooms for the last couple of decades and i'm going to fight for police accountability, to make sure we have a public option in health care and make plant her feet for the people to vote for her. not some of the people -- >> advice from the round table? >> two points. one is we do need to figure out a way to discover a common set of facts. journalists need to be involved in it. two sets does not help our country go to a place of common good. we need a common set of facts. i heard many people's advice that said the candidates need to be themselves. they need to not be themselves.
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donald trump has to figure out a way to be less visceral and more cerebral and hillary clinton has to figure out to be more cerebral. it's like the wizard of oz like the tinman and scare crow. one has to figure out how to show their brain and the other their heart. >> i think she needs to be passionate. passionate about the issues to speak to the country which still feels she's cool and collected and cold and as you said, i mean, speak to the people out there who have n >> she needs to show she's enjoying -- >> and not get defined by donald trump. not get in the weeds. i think for donald trump, the problem is let's be honest, he's not going to show up as woodrow wilson or franklin roosevelt but if he shows up as trump 2.0 or trump 9.0 he's going to get a lot of placability.
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candidates but the voters. we keep talking about style and all of that. we're picking the leader of the government. 70% of americans think we're on the wrong track. it's going to be very hard for hillary clinton to make the case that she's changed. we can talk about cool and cerebral and those things and they're all important but what about us? where is hillary clinton going to take us that's different than the direction we're going in now? trump is change. >> he hopes to talk about tomorrow night. i want to bring this question of honesty and what our job is. back to you maggie. times got attention last week when they called out a trump lie on the front page of saturday's paper. another article doing that this week. whose job is it and is the hillary clinton team right when they complain about the double standard saying voters think she's dishonest because the media hasn't done its job? calling out the dishonesty of donald trump? >> it's not the media's job to run a campaign against donald trump and i think that is where
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argument is. i heard robby saying this would be unfair if. i think when a campaign sounds like it is complaining that often it's not a winning posture. it is the media's job to point out absence of facts and in the case of the word lie as applied to donald trump, if you're not going to say a lie about saying that the president of the united states is not a citizen, then i don't know where else the world would apply. everything is not a lie. trump represents a unique challenge for reporters. i think that is really important to remember. it is a blizzard of things he pupts out there. >> he does. >> i used to watch when i was a kid. he's like the classic character who sells potion in the town. by the time you realize he's on to the next town and can't hold him accountable. that's the tough part. people have to zero in on the one or two things that matter about donald trump. hillary's job may be to do that.
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>> people see donald trump as more honest than hillary clinton. >> that is a false equivalence. >> excuse me. the point being when he says things like, you know, americans in our inner cities are in the worst shape ever, he speaks in hyperbole because in today's media culture that's how you get attention. if you're living in a city crime-ridden and your kids are failing in school, for you, this is the worst time ever. >> you think most people buy is that? >> i think most people understand what he is saying. we don't have to settle for the way things are now. our inner cities especially, and these are little islands of poverty and despair and more of the same is failing those people and we need to do something about it. yes, i think people understand what he's saying. >> i think the president called him out pretty well. trump said african-american's are living in the worst times. an 8-year-old would say what about slavery. what i think what maggie said, talking about salesmen.
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there are different media in this country. the washington post is doing remarkable work exposing trump's university. the charity. but i think the role of journalism is to call out lies. i think this country went to war in iraq because a media failed to do just that. it has been -- so trump poses unique challenges but we have been there before and i do think the role of media -- >> there's a difference between whether the media has been calling trump out consistently which they have done much more of in months. >> in months? >> no i disagree and whether voters are care. >> there's a difference between the new york times and cable tv. let's be honest. what's happened to our media on cable tv and it is acknowledged now i think there is a conflict between media as a profit center and media as a factual
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>> each side want the media -- >> it's not a left/right wing. >> the campaign will be decided by hillary clinton and donald trump. the media is not going to determine the result of this. i think the biggest failing so far in the last two weeks is the fact we have only two candidates. i agree with gary johnson. he's on 50 ballots and polling better than ross perot did. >> he's not polling better than ross perot. >> when he got back in the race in '92 in the summertime. race. the fact that the debate commission stacked by the two political parties rigged it in such a way they can't get on stage it doesn't help the country. >> the debates used to be run by the high -- league of women voters. i think we need a debate with the third party candidates who rise to 2% or 5%. however as bernie sanders said
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too much at stake. >> we're talking about mark cuban and gennifer flowers. being invited by the campaigns and not gary johnson? >> there should be a debate with the third party candidates because you need those ideas in our bloodstream. >> there should be a debate about the fact we have american cities with people on the streets literally trying to burn them down and nobody is talking about that in the context of the debate. the clinton campaign can do more on that issue and set it out. gary johnson talked about it today. >> just about out of time. i want to go around the table. will there be a winner tomorrow ni >> no. >> who defiance winners? debates -- >> i think hillary clinton will take the sort of solid four, five point lead she had before the conventions. >> i don't know who the winner would be. i guarantee they will both blame lester holt in one direction or the other. >> we have seen trump on one on ones doesn't do well with the president of mexico. he didn't talk about the wall when he went to the church.
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doing politics. he backed down. but later trump wins the -- he's like a twitter thug. he goes out there -- >> we'll end on that point. a lot will depend on what happens on social media and the days after. thank you very much. up next, the diplomat taking center stage in new york. he may be the most colorful diplomat on the stage. boris johnson, great britain's foreign
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after the brexit vote. called president obama a part canyon. compared hillary clinton to a nurse and avoid meeting donald trump. he was here this week and we sat down for an interview just as the cease-fire in syria was falling apart and syrian government troops backed by russia launched a fierce assault on aleppo. >> the cease-fire seems of collapse. can anything be done? >> on the face it looks satirical that you got attacks in aleppo while we're all conversations about cease-fires. i think it's vital we continue to talk. >> for what purpose though? >> any chance at all that the russians can be persuaded to do the right thing by syria and the world, call off assad's troops, stop the carnage and the bombing. >> it gets to the question of what kind of game vladimir putin is playing not only in syria but all over the world.
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american members of congress says russia is trying to influence our elections here. >> russia feels and this will be no surprise to you that as putin has said, that the collapse of the soviet union was one of the great disasters of the 20th century and there's a spirit of assertiveness, a desire for russia to have prestige on the world's stage. i've got no problem with russia having prestige. i've got no problem with people thinking the kremlin is powerf if they use that power and influence to good ends. in one way they can do that. right now is tell assad to stop the bombing in aleppo. they have the ability to make this happen. >> is vladimir putin showing up the west? >> you know, if you look back at what happened in the last two,
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events in syria, the decisions of my country, of your country, not to intervene, there's no question we left that door open. we failed to have the imagination to think that was what putin might do. we have now got to deal with it. >> let's talk about brexit. you're foreign secretary because of that vote. it really going to happen? >> yes, it is. the prime minister has said very clearly that brexit means brexit and we're going to make a success of it. >> a lot of people look at the vote and say the themes you emphasize, control of trade, control of our borders are exactly the themes that donald trump is hitting here. >> i think this is sort of false analogy between brexit and events in american politics or anywhere else in the world. i don't want to get dragged into the american election. brexit was about da mockcy.
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was handed lock, stock and barrel 43 years ago to the commission of the european union. so we've got a chance to take back control of our schedules, our world trade organization, how we run our terrorists and do deals. >> you're familiar with john oliver? >> let me give you more of britain's new chief diplomat. he's referred to cannibalism. and africans using these words which i'm compared vladimir putin to dabi. >> he's huge here but -- i think he's hilarious. but i don't think -- well i may be wrong. i never watch tv anyway. i don't think he's as much watched in the u.k. >> maybe that's good for you. he calls you the least diplomatic diplomat in existence and everybody is looking back at the -- >> yeah, yeah. i know exactly what you're going to say. no. no. no. no. no. no. >> let's go through it. >> no. no. we can have the recitation --
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you go ahead and give me the answer. trump, obama. >> the shame and embarrassment and the gasps. first of all, all those little nuggets are taken out of context. number two, actually the amazing thing is people are so not interested. >> nobody has asked you for an apology. >> not a sausage. >> you haven't had to trim your sales at all? >> no. i think it would be a mistake to much cricket? do you play? >> not since oxford. >> if you try to do a very cautious stroke in my experience you always get out anyway. you might as well try and hit the ball if you can. >> you are back in the city of your birth. i have to ask you about your last visit here. i can't believe it's true. a little girl on the street mistakes you for donald trump? >> no. no. she wasn't a little girl. she must have been about 20 or so.
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having my photograph taken and she said, whatever, gee is that trump. there you go. it is i'm afraid true. very hard thing to live down. but that is not a comment on the u.s. election. >> i got it. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. my pleasure. >> he was not going to get dragged into the election. i don't see the resemblance to donald trump. we'll be right back after this
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\s we and we will be right here tomorrow at 9:00 eastern with our whole political team. jon karl, tom llamas, vega. martha raddatz will argue the next debate and also cokie roberts. thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. check out "world news tonight" and i'll see you tomorrow on
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is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man!
9:00 am
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